Subscribe for FREE Access to the 2020 Regent Park Film Festival Online Here!
The 18th Annual Regent Park Film Festival is taking place online for the first time! All of our programming is free to stream between November 26th at 6pm and November 29th at 11:59pm. Subscribe for free access with the form and scroll down for our full Festival Schedule.
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General Program Schedule
Dis Land

Opening Night Presentation: Being Black in Toronto + Talkback Panel
The Onyx Butterfly, YYZ, Mr. Jane and Finch, Black Sun, Tallawah Abroad
Dis Connection
Dis Community

FamJam: Farewell Regent
Farewell Regent
Dis is Regent

The Mystery of Now, Masterpiece, Gramercy, Delayed Echoes, Commuter, The Ruby, BEEF, VISIBLE, Signs, Serious Lees

Closing Night: Emerging Directors’ Spotlight & Pitch Competition Sunday, November 29 at 6pm
Teen Dream, BOLLYSINGH, PYOTR495, By The Train, Lonely Boy Party, Burn